A THOUSAND lights had smitten her
Into this thing;
Life had taken her and given her
One place to sing.
She came with laughter wide and calm;
And splendid grace;
And looked between the lights and wine
For one fine face.
And found life only passion wide
’Twixt mouth and wine.
She ceased to search, and growing wise
Became less fine.
Yet some wondrous thing within the mess
Was held in check:— Was missing as she groped and clung
About his neck.
One master chord we couldn't sound
For lost the keys,
Yet she hinted of it as she sang
Between our knees.
We watched her come with subtle fire
And learned feet,
Stumbling among the lustful drunk
Yet somehow sweet.
We saw the crimson leave her cheeks
Flame in her eyes;
For when a woman lives in awful haste
A woman dies.
The jests that lit our hours by night
And made them gay,
Soiled a sweet and ignorant soul
And fouled its play.
Barriers and heart both broken—dust
Beneath her feet.
You've passed her forty times and sneered
Out in the street.
A thousand jibes had driven her
To this at last;
Till the ruined crimson of her lips
Grew vague and vast.
Until her songless soul admits
Time comes to kill;
You pay her price and wonder why
You need her still.
Cherries And Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
Cherries and Strawberries Is A Literary Column That Will Sweeten And Tickle Your Literary Taste Buds! Enjoy!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Writing gives us that feeling of release and awareness that we just don't get anywhere else. Staring back at your words tells you something about yourself in more ways than we care to admit.
Then there's other times when we are writing and we are flowing and showing our abilities to tell a story. A good flow in writing is worth having when we are trying to tell a story because it enables us to enjoy the experience.
Today flow and show in your writing. Whether writing in your personal journal, or for publication, having a good flow in your writing allows for a good show of your work.
Cherries And Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
Then there's other times when we are writing and we are flowing and showing our abilities to tell a story. A good flow in writing is worth having when we are trying to tell a story because it enables us to enjoy the experience.
Today flow and show in your writing. Whether writing in your personal journal, or for publication, having a good flow in your writing allows for a good show of your work.
Cherries And Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
SPICY LIT NIGHT CAP! Poetry Play: Seen From The "L" !
SEEN FROM THE "L" BY: Djuna Barnes
So she stands—nude—stretching dully
Two amber combs loll through her hair
A vague molested carpet pitches
Down the dusty length of stair.
She does not see, she does not care
It’s always there.
The frail mosaic on her window
Facing starkly toward the street
Is scribbled there by tipsy sparrows—
Etched there with their rocking feet.
Is fashioned too, by every beat
Of shirt and sheet.
Sill her clothing is less risky
Than her body in its prime,
They are chain-stitched and so is she
Chain-stitched to her soul for time.
Ravelling grandly into vice
Dropping crooked into rhyme.
Slipping through the stitch of virtue,
Into crime.
Though her lips are vague as fancy
In her youth—
They bloom vivid and repulsive
As the truth.
Even vases in the making
Are uncouth.
Cherries And Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
So she stands—nude—stretching dully
Two amber combs loll through her hair
A vague molested carpet pitches
Down the dusty length of stair.
She does not see, she does not care
It’s always there.
The frail mosaic on her window
Facing starkly toward the street
Is scribbled there by tipsy sparrows—
Etched there with their rocking feet.
Is fashioned too, by every beat
Of shirt and sheet.
Sill her clothing is less risky
Than her body in its prime,
They are chain-stitched and so is she
Chain-stitched to her soul for time.
Ravelling grandly into vice
Dropping crooked into rhyme.
Slipping through the stitch of virtue,
Into crime.
Though her lips are vague as fancy
In her youth—
They bloom vivid and repulsive
As the truth.
Even vases in the making
Are uncouth.
Cherries And Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
Writing daily is a way to help us gather our thoughts and put them in order. It's a way to give us a visual picture of what we want our message to be.
Sometimes our thoughts have a tendency to get jumbled up, so therefore, we find it hard to think straight.
Taking the time to write daily allows us to break free of that, and get organized.
Today; take an oath to write daily, so that you can organize your thoughts.
Remember the more you write, the clearer your message will ultimately be.
Cherries And Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
Sometimes our thoughts have a tendency to get jumbled up, so therefore, we find it hard to think straight.
Taking the time to write daily allows us to break free of that, and get organized.
Today; take an oath to write daily, so that you can organize your thoughts.
Remember the more you write, the clearer your message will ultimately be.
Cherries And Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
Sunday, March 27, 2011
If you have something to say; say it!
Writing all about it what we have to say is what most of us should do; but we don't.
It's so important as a writer to entertain the small thoughts that come in our mind as well as those big ideas. When we do, it truly gives us an out, but most of all it, leaves room for those large ideas to flourish.
Today; write all about your thoughts, no matter how small or large. You never know what could be brewing for you as you pen whatever is on your mind.
Happy writing!
Cherries and Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
Writing all about it what we have to say is what most of us should do; but we don't.
It's so important as a writer to entertain the small thoughts that come in our mind as well as those big ideas. When we do, it truly gives us an out, but most of all it, leaves room for those large ideas to flourish.
Today; write all about your thoughts, no matter how small or large. You never know what could be brewing for you as you pen whatever is on your mind.
Happy writing!
Cherries and Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
Saturday, March 26, 2011
SPICY LIT NIGHT CAP! Short Story Play: Deep In Carmel...Or So I Thought!
Smooth, slow, and fine is Caramel Jones. I see him going and coming with his long lean muscular body down Constitution Ave everyday. This brother really has it going on. Back in the day I wasn’t too fond of Caramel Jones. Let’s just say he wasn’t my type. I’ve known Mr. Caramel Jones just about all my life. He was the nerdy bookworm type, and let’s just say I was the Benita apple bum girl that wouldn’t give him the time of the day.
Now things are different. We still in live in chocolate city as they call it, D.C. We’ve grown into mature adults and I see him very different. He’s not the bookworm nerdy type anymore, and I am still the Benita apple bum girl, but more refined and professional. Caramel Jones has been on my mind since I heard he got elected to the senate. Young handsome and ready to take on the world is Caramel Jones.
As I go about my daily grind on capital hill I see him in passing. I’m not sure if he remembers me, but maybe I’ll nudge him a little to re-introduce myself. At this point it’s all about Caramel Jones and me. Taking the plunge into something as fine as that is what I am determined to do! As I dream of Mr. Caramel Jones I start to sweat and peak like no other time in my life. This man has me on fire and I want him more and more. All I can say is this man has my mind on lock. If I want this reunion I better make it happen.
Getting up to start my day I have butterflies in my stomach. I put on my nice suit and my spanx to make sure all that should not jiggle won’t. I grab my coffee mug and I am out the door for my chance meeting with Mr. Caramel Jones. Walking to the door to leave for work is like getting ready for the best love fest of my life. My head is spinning and I feel the passion burning in me as the blood rush through my body for the meeting with Mr. Caramel Jones. As I walk up on the hill I am jittery and eager. I see him and I can’t say anything. Seeing him walking by me, I feel like I’m still and I that’s how I know I’m in the present. My brief case drops as he walks by me. I stop and bend down to pick up my mess. “I thought I blew it…this wasn’t supposed to happen this way.” I see him doubling back to help me. This I didn’t plan on, but its working. As he comes back to help me pick up my mess that fell out of my brief case, I hurry to fix myself. He comes over to me and says “you need any help with that?” As he says that in a nice deep tone, I melt but only inside. I just want to fall to the ground. However, that can’t happen because these folks will think I’m a lunatic. I look up at him and I say “no that’s ok, I can manage.” If only he knew that I wanted more than his help. As he took it upon his self to help me I made a point to say “hey don’t I know you?” “I believe we went to school together.” He looks at me as if he was thinking. “Yes I do remember you…Shawn right?” “Yes it’s me in the flesh.” “Wow Shawn it’s been years since I’ve seen you.” “Yes I know Jason “aka” (Caramel).” “Congratulations on your election to the senate, it’s been definitely a long time.” “Thank you Shawn, and how are you doing?” “I’ve been doing great; you know the daily grind of capital hill.” As Caramel was talking to me, I was bubbling up and wanted him to wrap those strong arms around me.
When we finally finished picking up my mess, I smiled at him I see him smiling back, but eyeing me up and down. I’m thinking to myself “yes please look all you want Mr. Fine Caramel Jones, check me out.” At that moment we were silent, it seemed like an eternity, but it was only a split second. As he turned to leave I said to him “are you free to meet for coffee some time?” He looks at me like what she’s asking me! If only he was really thinking that. The real truth is he wasn’t thinking that because he smiled and told me no, he was married. That was crushing, because I wanted to connect with him. I looked at him and said “okay then I’ll see you around some time.” He smiled at me with those chocolate lips and those white teeth and walked away. As I walked off and went into my building to start my day, I thought to myself, “should I be a bad girl and get at him anyway, or should I be a good girl and leave well enough alone?” It was burning in me to be the bad girl and get at Mr. Caramel Jones. If only I could pull it off. As the day went on I was contemplating about snatching up my man Caramel Jones. It’s easy to be the bad girl and do something bad, but should I really? Well it would be fun to be sneaky and be with a man that is fine. It’s more fun then I’ve had in such a long time.
I constantly day dreamed throughout the work day about being knee deep in Caramel. As the work day ended I was asked by one of my co-workers Tony to join him for an after work drink. I politely declined. I’ve gone out with Tony before, and he’s a bit boring. I even went back to his place to continue our little date. Needless to say it turned into an evening I care not to remember. During my date with Tony, back at his place he started to come on to me, in his corny way. I hadn’t had any action in such a long time that I took the bait and decided to get my groove on. OMG! It was the worst time in the bedroom I had ever had. I could tell Tony never really saw or had any sex. The whole time we were in the sheets I laid there with my hand over my eyes thinking to myself “please hurry up and get done-this shit is whack.” After that, it was silence and I got dressed and left. Every since that night he’s been running down behind me like a dog in heat. Not what I want ever again. I got home and sat down and took off my heals and laid down on my couch and dreamt about Mr. Caramel Jones. He’s been heavily on my mind since earlier today.
I wish I had access to Mr. Caramel Jones in ways I can reminisce for years. It would be spectacular to be with someone who has it going on. Not the capital hill type that’s into just hitting it and not acknowledging you afterward. I want that someone who takes their time with my body and shower with me kisses and gentle touches that just makes me climax without even having actual sex. I long for that. It’s not like I know what Caramel Jones is all about; I just want to believe that he is that way especially with me. I am making a decision to get close to Caramel Jones no matter if wifey likes it or not. I want that man and I’m going to have him.
The next day when as I was walking up to the hill, I see Caramel Jones, walking with his long lean and muscular body. I stop him and ask him how he’s doing. He looks at me like he doesn’t want to answer, but he does anyway. I try to make small talk so he would notice my nice plump breast and round tight black girl ass. Boy did he notice, and then some. I could tell because he was tripping over his words and trying hard to keep his attention to my face. When I ask him this time to have coffee with me he gladly accepts. After getting him to say yes, I hurry and get to my office with joy. My work day went by quicker than usual. I hurried to the local star bucks coffee house on the hill to meet Mr. Caramel Jones. When I arrived he was there in all his caramel glory. I sat down and instantly he we started to talk about our school days. We laughed and giggled and talked more. I was cheesing like a hot and heavy school girl. He asked me did I want to leave and take a walk. We left the coffee stand and started walking. For some reason we headed to my place. When we walked in the door, he sat down and boy did I want to sit on him. He looked at me with those sexy dark brown eyes and when I saw that it was on. We instantly wrapped our arms around each other and started kissing and holding each other tight. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his muscular body. As we entered the bedroom I’m thinking that we are going to get busy. Just then he throws me down on the bed, rips off my clothes. As I’m laying there naked and hot and heavy he takes off his clothes, then the unthinkable. Mr. Caramel starts hopping around on my God damn bed like a damn frog saying “rivet, rivet.” I’m like what the fuck is this shit here? I’m laying there looking at him act a straight fool and do unspeakable acts to him self. My mouth was gapping and eyes bucked! This isn’t what I pictured being knee deep in caramel to be. As I was trying to put my clothes on, Mr. Caramel started jerking his own self off and then wanted to put that shit on me, like I had anything to do with it. By that time I was mad as hell.
OMG, the damn ghetto ass black chick was coming out of me then!
I put my clothes on and told his ass to get the fuck out of my house and take his freaky deaky ass on somewhere! Hey; I like to be a freak but not that way. After Mr. Crazy Freaky Caramel Jones left, I sat down and started laughing at the whole thing. Boy was I wrong about Mr. Caramel Jones. I said to myself “this is definitely something I don’t want to reminisce about for years.”
The next day I called my girlfriend Jen up to tell her what happened. Since it was a Saturday she told me to meet her at the star bucks. How ironic the same coffee shop where Mr. Caramel Jones and I met before all the hot mess happened. As I entered the coffee shop I see my girl Jen. I sat down and started telling Jen about what happened. Jen looked at me and started laughing. I knew it was funny but not that funny. "However it was funny now that I think about it." Then Jen tells me “Shawn that’s what your ass get for thinking every fine, muscular chocolate man in D.C is great in bed!” Then the unthinkable, Jen tells me that the same thing happened to her. I couldn’t believe it! Ironically, it was the same person Mr. Caramel Jones. I couldn’t be mad at my girl. We laughed and at the same time we said “don’t judge a book by its cover; you never know what you will get when you open it up!”
Cherries and Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
Smooth, slow, and fine is Caramel Jones. I see him going and coming with his long lean muscular body down Constitution Ave everyday. This brother really has it going on. Back in the day I wasn’t too fond of Caramel Jones. Let’s just say he wasn’t my type. I’ve known Mr. Caramel Jones just about all my life. He was the nerdy bookworm type, and let’s just say I was the Benita apple bum girl that wouldn’t give him the time of the day.
Now things are different. We still in live in chocolate city as they call it, D.C. We’ve grown into mature adults and I see him very different. He’s not the bookworm nerdy type anymore, and I am still the Benita apple bum girl, but more refined and professional. Caramel Jones has been on my mind since I heard he got elected to the senate. Young handsome and ready to take on the world is Caramel Jones.
As I go about my daily grind on capital hill I see him in passing. I’m not sure if he remembers me, but maybe I’ll nudge him a little to re-introduce myself. At this point it’s all about Caramel Jones and me. Taking the plunge into something as fine as that is what I am determined to do! As I dream of Mr. Caramel Jones I start to sweat and peak like no other time in my life. This man has me on fire and I want him more and more. All I can say is this man has my mind on lock. If I want this reunion I better make it happen.
Getting up to start my day I have butterflies in my stomach. I put on my nice suit and my spanx to make sure all that should not jiggle won’t. I grab my coffee mug and I am out the door for my chance meeting with Mr. Caramel Jones. Walking to the door to leave for work is like getting ready for the best love fest of my life. My head is spinning and I feel the passion burning in me as the blood rush through my body for the meeting with Mr. Caramel Jones. As I walk up on the hill I am jittery and eager. I see him and I can’t say anything. Seeing him walking by me, I feel like I’m still and I that’s how I know I’m in the present. My brief case drops as he walks by me. I stop and bend down to pick up my mess. “I thought I blew it…this wasn’t supposed to happen this way.” I see him doubling back to help me. This I didn’t plan on, but its working. As he comes back to help me pick up my mess that fell out of my brief case, I hurry to fix myself. He comes over to me and says “you need any help with that?” As he says that in a nice deep tone, I melt but only inside. I just want to fall to the ground. However, that can’t happen because these folks will think I’m a lunatic. I look up at him and I say “no that’s ok, I can manage.” If only he knew that I wanted more than his help. As he took it upon his self to help me I made a point to say “hey don’t I know you?” “I believe we went to school together.” He looks at me as if he was thinking. “Yes I do remember you…Shawn right?” “Yes it’s me in the flesh.” “Wow Shawn it’s been years since I’ve seen you.” “Yes I know Jason “aka” (Caramel).” “Congratulations on your election to the senate, it’s been definitely a long time.” “Thank you Shawn, and how are you doing?” “I’ve been doing great; you know the daily grind of capital hill.” As Caramel was talking to me, I was bubbling up and wanted him to wrap those strong arms around me.
When we finally finished picking up my mess, I smiled at him I see him smiling back, but eyeing me up and down. I’m thinking to myself “yes please look all you want Mr. Fine Caramel Jones, check me out.” At that moment we were silent, it seemed like an eternity, but it was only a split second. As he turned to leave I said to him “are you free to meet for coffee some time?” He looks at me like what she’s asking me! If only he was really thinking that. The real truth is he wasn’t thinking that because he smiled and told me no, he was married. That was crushing, because I wanted to connect with him. I looked at him and said “okay then I’ll see you around some time.” He smiled at me with those chocolate lips and those white teeth and walked away. As I walked off and went into my building to start my day, I thought to myself, “should I be a bad girl and get at him anyway, or should I be a good girl and leave well enough alone?” It was burning in me to be the bad girl and get at Mr. Caramel Jones. If only I could pull it off. As the day went on I was contemplating about snatching up my man Caramel Jones. It’s easy to be the bad girl and do something bad, but should I really? Well it would be fun to be sneaky and be with a man that is fine. It’s more fun then I’ve had in such a long time.
I constantly day dreamed throughout the work day about being knee deep in Caramel. As the work day ended I was asked by one of my co-workers Tony to join him for an after work drink. I politely declined. I’ve gone out with Tony before, and he’s a bit boring. I even went back to his place to continue our little date. Needless to say it turned into an evening I care not to remember. During my date with Tony, back at his place he started to come on to me, in his corny way. I hadn’t had any action in such a long time that I took the bait and decided to get my groove on. OMG! It was the worst time in the bedroom I had ever had. I could tell Tony never really saw or had any sex. The whole time we were in the sheets I laid there with my hand over my eyes thinking to myself “please hurry up and get done-this shit is whack.” After that, it was silence and I got dressed and left. Every since that night he’s been running down behind me like a dog in heat. Not what I want ever again. I got home and sat down and took off my heals and laid down on my couch and dreamt about Mr. Caramel Jones. He’s been heavily on my mind since earlier today.
I wish I had access to Mr. Caramel Jones in ways I can reminisce for years. It would be spectacular to be with someone who has it going on. Not the capital hill type that’s into just hitting it and not acknowledging you afterward. I want that someone who takes their time with my body and shower with me kisses and gentle touches that just makes me climax without even having actual sex. I long for that. It’s not like I know what Caramel Jones is all about; I just want to believe that he is that way especially with me. I am making a decision to get close to Caramel Jones no matter if wifey likes it or not. I want that man and I’m going to have him.
The next day when as I was walking up to the hill, I see Caramel Jones, walking with his long lean and muscular body. I stop him and ask him how he’s doing. He looks at me like he doesn’t want to answer, but he does anyway. I try to make small talk so he would notice my nice plump breast and round tight black girl ass. Boy did he notice, and then some. I could tell because he was tripping over his words and trying hard to keep his attention to my face. When I ask him this time to have coffee with me he gladly accepts. After getting him to say yes, I hurry and get to my office with joy. My work day went by quicker than usual. I hurried to the local star bucks coffee house on the hill to meet Mr. Caramel Jones. When I arrived he was there in all his caramel glory. I sat down and instantly he we started to talk about our school days. We laughed and giggled and talked more. I was cheesing like a hot and heavy school girl. He asked me did I want to leave and take a walk. We left the coffee stand and started walking. For some reason we headed to my place. When we walked in the door, he sat down and boy did I want to sit on him. He looked at me with those sexy dark brown eyes and when I saw that it was on. We instantly wrapped our arms around each other and started kissing and holding each other tight. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his muscular body. As we entered the bedroom I’m thinking that we are going to get busy. Just then he throws me down on the bed, rips off my clothes. As I’m laying there naked and hot and heavy he takes off his clothes, then the unthinkable. Mr. Caramel starts hopping around on my God damn bed like a damn frog saying “rivet, rivet.” I’m like what the fuck is this shit here? I’m laying there looking at him act a straight fool and do unspeakable acts to him self. My mouth was gapping and eyes bucked! This isn’t what I pictured being knee deep in caramel to be. As I was trying to put my clothes on, Mr. Caramel started jerking his own self off and then wanted to put that shit on me, like I had anything to do with it. By that time I was mad as hell.
OMG, the damn ghetto ass black chick was coming out of me then!
I put my clothes on and told his ass to get the fuck out of my house and take his freaky deaky ass on somewhere! Hey; I like to be a freak but not that way. After Mr. Crazy Freaky Caramel Jones left, I sat down and started laughing at the whole thing. Boy was I wrong about Mr. Caramel Jones. I said to myself “this is definitely something I don’t want to reminisce about for years.”
The next day I called my girlfriend Jen up to tell her what happened. Since it was a Saturday she told me to meet her at the star bucks. How ironic the same coffee shop where Mr. Caramel Jones and I met before all the hot mess happened. As I entered the coffee shop I see my girl Jen. I sat down and started telling Jen about what happened. Jen looked at me and started laughing. I knew it was funny but not that funny. "However it was funny now that I think about it." Then Jen tells me “Shawn that’s what your ass get for thinking every fine, muscular chocolate man in D.C is great in bed!” Then the unthinkable, Jen tells me that the same thing happened to her. I couldn’t believe it! Ironically, it was the same person Mr. Caramel Jones. I couldn’t be mad at my girl. We laughed and at the same time we said “don’t judge a book by its cover; you never know what you will get when you open it up!”
Cherries and Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
A great story is what comes from inside of the writer's soul. It's experiences, thoughts, moments, and imagination all combined to create that wonderful story.
When you think about what makes a great story, it's what the writer can create and turn into something that says "it's a great story."
Today, think about what makes your stories great. Think about what's in you so that you can bring it out and implement it and turn it into a great story.
Cherries and Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
When you think about what makes a great story, it's what the writer can create and turn into something that says "it's a great story."
Today, think about what makes your stories great. Think about what's in you so that you can bring it out and implement it and turn it into a great story.
Cherries and Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
Thursday, March 24, 2011
SPICY LIT NIGHT CAP! Poetry Play: Phenomenal Woman!
Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.
I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's size
But when I start to tell them,
They think I'm telling lies.
I say,
It's in the reach of my arms
The span of my hips,
The stride of my step,
The curl of my lips.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
I walk into a room
Just as cool as you please,
And to a man,
The fellows stand or
Fall down on their knees.
Then they swarm around me,
A hive of honey bees.
I say,
It's the fire in my eyes,
And the flash of my teeth,
The swing in my waist,
And the joy in my feet.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
Men themselves have wondered
What they see in me.
They try so much
But they can't touch
My inner mystery.
When I try to show them
They say they still can't see.
I say,
It's in the arch of my back,
The sun of my smile,
The ride of my breasts,
The grace of my style.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
Now you understand
Just why my head's not bowed.
I don't shout or jump about
Or have to talk real loud.
When you see me passing
It ought to make you proud.
I say,
It's in the click of my heels,
The bend of my hair,
the palm of my hand,
The need of my care,
'Cause I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
Cherries And Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.
I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's size
But when I start to tell them,
They think I'm telling lies.
I say,
It's in the reach of my arms
The span of my hips,
The stride of my step,
The curl of my lips.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
I walk into a room
Just as cool as you please,
And to a man,
The fellows stand or
Fall down on their knees.
Then they swarm around me,
A hive of honey bees.
I say,
It's the fire in my eyes,
And the flash of my teeth,
The swing in my waist,
And the joy in my feet.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
Men themselves have wondered
What they see in me.
They try so much
But they can't touch
My inner mystery.
When I try to show them
They say they still can't see.
I say,
It's in the arch of my back,
The sun of my smile,
The ride of my breasts,
The grace of my style.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
Now you understand
Just why my head's not bowed.
I don't shout or jump about
Or have to talk real loud.
When you see me passing
It ought to make you proud.
I say,
It's in the click of my heels,
The bend of my hair,
the palm of my hand,
The need of my care,
'Cause I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
Cherries And Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
Unique storytelling is of the writer's voice. It's the magic that comes from a true writer who wants to tell their stories.
Taking time to tell your stories is something that you should do in order to tell them, the way you want them to be told.
The art of your storytelling has to be worked on daily in order to get them in a place that you the writer is comfortable. After all it's your voice who makes it come alive.
Today, take time to tell your stories. Don't rush the process and savor every minute of it.
By: Cherries and Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
Taking time to tell your stories is something that you should do in order to tell them, the way you want them to be told.
The art of your storytelling has to be worked on daily in order to get them in a place that you the writer is comfortable. After all it's your voice who makes it come alive.
Today, take time to tell your stories. Don't rush the process and savor every minute of it.
By: Cherries and Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Do you have writing fever? Have you ever had that tingling inside, where you had to write to tell a story?
Many people have, that's why there's so many authors in the world. Writing to some, is that burning to tell your story or a story. Writing is poetic at best with, wild metaphors, tramatic thoughts, and a fever of "I have to write!"
Today, ask yourself do you have that writing fever where you're burning to tell a story. If so, nuture that burning feeling by writing and not holding back. Put yourself into and tell your story the way you want it to be told.
Remember; if you have the fever to write, then write!
By: Cherries And Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
Many people have, that's why there's so many authors in the world. Writing to some, is that burning to tell your story or a story. Writing is poetic at best with, wild metaphors, tramatic thoughts, and a fever of "I have to write!"
Today, ask yourself do you have that writing fever where you're burning to tell a story. If so, nuture that burning feeling by writing and not holding back. Put yourself into and tell your story the way you want it to be told.
Remember; if you have the fever to write, then write!
By: Cherries And Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
Sunday, March 20, 2011
SPICY LIT NIGHT CAP! Poetry Play: Risk!
RISK BY: Anais Nin
And then came the day,
when the risk
to remain tight
in a bud
was more painful
than the risk
it took
to blossom.
Cherries And Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
And then came the day,
when the risk
to remain tight
in a bud
was more painful
than the risk
it took
to blossom.
Cherries And Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
Your literary palette is what gives you that flare for certain books and determines if what your reading is good or not good.
Many people have a strong literary palette and some are just building their's up to be strong and sensitive. It's important to know that, opening yourself up to different types of genres, authors, and titles will improve your literary palette.
Today, think about your literary palette as it is now, and then try building on what you already have. Doing this will help you to not only improve, but will allow you to build upon the way you tell your own stories.
Remember, a strong literary palette will help you in more ways than you could ever know.
By: Cherries And Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
Many people have a strong literary palette and some are just building their's up to be strong and sensitive. It's important to know that, opening yourself up to different types of genres, authors, and titles will improve your literary palette.
Today, think about your literary palette as it is now, and then try building on what you already have. Doing this will help you to not only improve, but will allow you to build upon the way you tell your own stories.
Remember, a strong literary palette will help you in more ways than you could ever know.
By: Cherries And Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
Saturday, March 19, 2011
SPICY LIT NIGHT CAP! PoetryPlay: Laughter!
LAUGHTER BY: Pablo Neruda
Take bread away from me, if you wish,
take air away, but
do not take from me your laughter.
Do not take away the rose,
the lance flower that you pluck,
the water that suddenly
bursts forth in joy,
the sudden wave
of silver born in you.
My struggle is harsh and I come back
with eyes tired
at times from having seen
the unchanging earth,
but when your laughter enters
it rises to the sky seeking me
and it opens for me all
the doors of life.
My love, in the darkest
hour your laughter
opens, and if suddenly
you see my blood staining
the stones of the street,
laugh, because your laughter
will be for my hands
like a fresh sword.
Next to the sea in the autumn,
your laughter must raise
its foamy cascade,
and in the spring, love,
I want your laughter like
the flower I was waiting for,
the blue flower, the rose
of my echoing country.
Laugh at the night,
at the day, at the moon,
laugh at the twisted
streets of the island,
laugh at this clumsy
boy who loves you,
but when I open
my eyes and close them,
when my steps go,
when my steps return,
deny me bread, air,
light, spring,
but never your laughter
for I would die.
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
Take bread away from me, if you wish,
take air away, but
do not take from me your laughter.
Do not take away the rose,
the lance flower that you pluck,
the water that suddenly
bursts forth in joy,
the sudden wave
of silver born in you.
My struggle is harsh and I come back
with eyes tired
at times from having seen
the unchanging earth,
but when your laughter enters
it rises to the sky seeking me
and it opens for me all
the doors of life.
My love, in the darkest
hour your laughter
opens, and if suddenly
you see my blood staining
the stones of the street,
laugh, because your laughter
will be for my hands
like a fresh sword.
Next to the sea in the autumn,
your laughter must raise
its foamy cascade,
and in the spring, love,
I want your laughter like
the flower I was waiting for,
the blue flower, the rose
of my echoing country.
Laugh at the night,
at the day, at the moon,
laugh at the twisted
streets of the island,
laugh at this clumsy
boy who loves you,
but when I open
my eyes and close them,
when my steps go,
when my steps return,
deny me bread, air,
light, spring,
but never your laughter
for I would die.
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
When developing your characters and their dialogue, take some time and act it out.
As you do this, it will help you develop the dialogue further and help make your characters sound interesting to your potential reading audience. One thing's for sure; the readers love great dialogue between characters in a story.
It's important to think about how you want your characters to sound in the story as well as their look. Developing great character dialogue goes a long way and sets the bar for you as a writer.
Today, think about your current story that your writing on, and see if your character dialogue is where it should be. If it needs to be reworked, take the time to act out the dialogue between the characters to get it where you want it.
Remember, when it's all said and done and it's being read by your reading audience you will be glad you put your back into it to make it truly interesting.
By: Cherries And Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
As you do this, it will help you develop the dialogue further and help make your characters sound interesting to your potential reading audience. One thing's for sure; the readers love great dialogue between characters in a story.
It's important to think about how you want your characters to sound in the story as well as their look. Developing great character dialogue goes a long way and sets the bar for you as a writer.
Today, think about your current story that your writing on, and see if your character dialogue is where it should be. If it needs to be reworked, take the time to act out the dialogue between the characters to get it where you want it.
Remember, when it's all said and done and it's being read by your reading audience you will be glad you put your back into it to make it truly interesting.
By: Cherries And Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
Friday, March 18, 2011
SPICY LIT NIGHT CAP! Poetry Play: Carnal Apple, Woman Filled, Burning Moon!
Carnal apple, Woman filled, burning moon,
dark smell of seaweed, crush of mud and light,
what secret knowledge is clasped between your pillars?
What primal night does Man touch with his senses?
Ay, Love is a journey through waters and stars,
through suffocating air, sharp tempests of grain:
Love is a war of lightning,
and two bodies ruined by a single sweetness.
Kiss by kiss I cover your tiny infinity,
your margins, your rivers, your diminutive villages,
and a genital fire, transformed by delight,
slips through the narrow channels of blood
to precipitate a nocturnal carnation,
to be, and be nothing but light in the dark.
By: Cherries And Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
Carnal apple, Woman filled, burning moon,
dark smell of seaweed, crush of mud and light,
what secret knowledge is clasped between your pillars?
What primal night does Man touch with his senses?
Ay, Love is a journey through waters and stars,
through suffocating air, sharp tempests of grain:
Love is a war of lightning,
and two bodies ruined by a single sweetness.
Kiss by kiss I cover your tiny infinity,
your margins, your rivers, your diminutive villages,
and a genital fire, transformed by delight,
slips through the narrow channels of blood
to precipitate a nocturnal carnation,
to be, and be nothing but light in the dark.
By: Cherries And Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
Being a writer is special. It's something that many cherrish and can't wait to put on display.
At every turn online and everywhere you go, you see more and more writers cropping up. It's what many dream of doing their whole lives or just for fun.
Whether you do it for fun, or for a profession; being the writer you want to be is key. It's what's going to set you apart from all the rest and propell you to the next level in your literary career.
Today, strive to be the writer you want to be. Know that it's important to put your abilities to use and write the types of stories you wish to tell.
Remember that being like other's only cripples you and keeps you from progressing and being the writer you want to be.
By: Cherries and Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
At every turn online and everywhere you go, you see more and more writers cropping up. It's what many dream of doing their whole lives or just for fun.
Whether you do it for fun, or for a profession; being the writer you want to be is key. It's what's going to set you apart from all the rest and propell you to the next level in your literary career.
Today, strive to be the writer you want to be. Know that it's important to put your abilities to use and write the types of stories you wish to tell.
Remember that being like other's only cripples you and keeps you from progressing and being the writer you want to be.
By: Cherries and Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
Thursday, March 17, 2011
SPICY LIT NIGHT CAP! Poetry Play: A Garden!
A GARDEN BY: H.P. Lovecraft
There’s an ancient, ancient garden that I see sometimes in dreams,
Where the very Maytime sunlight plays and glows with spectral gleams;
Where the gaudy-tinted blossoms seem to wither into grey,
And the crumbling walls and pillars waken thoughts of yesterday.
There are vines in nooks and crannies, and there’s moss about the pool,
And the tangled weedy thicket chokes the arbour dark and cool:
In the silent sunken pathways springs an herbage sparse and spare,
Where the musty scent of dead things dulls the fragrance of the air.
There is not a living creature in the lonely space around,
And the hedge-encompass’d quiet never echoes to a sound.
As I walk, and wait, and listen, I will often seek to find
When it was I knew that garden in an age long left behind;
I will oft conjure a vision of a day that is no more,
As I gaze upon the grey, grey scenes I feel I knew before.
Then a sadness settles o’er me, and a tremor seems to start:
For I know the flow’rs are shrivell’d hopes—the garden is my heart!
By: Cherries And Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
There’s an ancient, ancient garden that I see sometimes in dreams,
Where the very Maytime sunlight plays and glows with spectral gleams;
Where the gaudy-tinted blossoms seem to wither into grey,
And the crumbling walls and pillars waken thoughts of yesterday.
There are vines in nooks and crannies, and there’s moss about the pool,
And the tangled weedy thicket chokes the arbour dark and cool:
In the silent sunken pathways springs an herbage sparse and spare,
Where the musty scent of dead things dulls the fragrance of the air.
There is not a living creature in the lonely space around,
And the hedge-encompass’d quiet never echoes to a sound.
As I walk, and wait, and listen, I will often seek to find
When it was I knew that garden in an age long left behind;
I will oft conjure a vision of a day that is no more,
As I gaze upon the grey, grey scenes I feel I knew before.
Then a sadness settles o’er me, and a tremor seems to start:
For I know the flow’rs are shrivell’d hopes—the garden is my heart!
By: Cherries And Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
Writing can help us in many ways. It can strengthen our thoughts and how we express ourselves, whether in storytelling or just jotting down our feelings.
It can be the building blocks to putting things into perspective and giving us that epiphany.
As we write we should get stronger in how we express our message. Strength comes with repetition, and that is something we all have to do as writers.
Today think about your writing, and how strong it is or not. Think about how you can make your writing stronger as you strive to tell your stories.
Remember, the strength comes from within and persistant repetition.
By: Cherries And Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
It can be the building blocks to putting things into perspective and giving us that epiphany.
As we write we should get stronger in how we express our message. Strength comes with repetition, and that is something we all have to do as writers.
Today think about your writing, and how strong it is or not. Think about how you can make your writing stronger as you strive to tell your stories.
Remember, the strength comes from within and persistant repetition.
By: Cherries And Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
SPICY LIT NIGHT CAP! Poety Play: WHO'S CHARMING-The Depth Of Poetic Intrigue!
Who’s charming, who’s stacking it’s just a thought a simple thought of mine.
Who’s charming, who’s stacking it’s just a thought a simple thought of mine.
I divide I fold inside, like a caterpillar strives to be a butterfly.
Telling secrets is a whisper in a tender ear; I see it has been rendered.
Who’s charming, who’s stacking it’s just a thought a simple thought of mine.
Who’s charming, who’s stacking it’s just a thought a simple thought of mine.
Devotion is emotion as it becomes clear to spill into the ear of time.
Walking and thinking go hand in hand as it’s clear and so divine.
Who’s charming, who’s stacking it’s just a thought a simple thought of mine
Who’s charming, who’s stacking it’s just a thought a simple thought of mine.
Raising the bar of envy I decide to play and conform to simple thoughts.
Not alone I’m in divine ecstasy and provoking the sound of natural random abilities of intrigue.
Who’s charming who’s stacking it’s just a thought a simple thought of mine.
Who’s charming who’s stacking it’s just a thought a simple of thought mine.
Rambling of greatness has a price of sick sexy word play as it comes on display.
To be or not to be is our thought provoking significance of eternity.
Who’s charming who’s stacking it’s just a thought a simple thought of mine.
Who’s charming who’s stacking it’s just a thought a simple thought of mine.
Pump up the lost notions of believe or make believe to only think happy thoughts of standards and radiant scores of love jones; and only to eat likes and dislikes of charming but stacking thoughts of high sighs of beauty and divine suitcases of simplicity that feeds us small bites of heaven.
Who’s charming who’s stacking it’s just a thought a simple thought of mine.
Who’s charming who’s stacking it’s just a thought a simple thought of mine.

By: Cherries And Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
Who’s charming, who’s stacking it’s just a thought a simple thought of mine.
I divide I fold inside, like a caterpillar strives to be a butterfly.
Telling secrets is a whisper in a tender ear; I see it has been rendered.
Who’s charming, who’s stacking it’s just a thought a simple thought of mine.
Who’s charming, who’s stacking it’s just a thought a simple thought of mine.
Devotion is emotion as it becomes clear to spill into the ear of time.
Walking and thinking go hand in hand as it’s clear and so divine.
Who’s charming, who’s stacking it’s just a thought a simple thought of mine
Who’s charming, who’s stacking it’s just a thought a simple thought of mine.
Raising the bar of envy I decide to play and conform to simple thoughts.
Not alone I’m in divine ecstasy and provoking the sound of natural random abilities of intrigue.
Who’s charming who’s stacking it’s just a thought a simple thought of mine.
Who’s charming who’s stacking it’s just a thought a simple of thought mine.
Rambling of greatness has a price of sick sexy word play as it comes on display.
To be or not to be is our thought provoking significance of eternity.
Who’s charming who’s stacking it’s just a thought a simple thought of mine.
Who’s charming who’s stacking it’s just a thought a simple thought of mine.
Pump up the lost notions of believe or make believe to only think happy thoughts of standards and radiant scores of love jones; and only to eat likes and dislikes of charming but stacking thoughts of high sighs of beauty and divine suitcases of simplicity that feeds us small bites of heaven.
Who’s charming who’s stacking it’s just a thought a simple thought of mine.
Who’s charming who’s stacking it’s just a thought a simple thought of mine.

By: Cherries And Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
(Diva's House Of Literary Coffee) Being able to write is a blessing that can turn into mega opportunities. The art of being able to write and turn those letters, words, sentences and a well connected writing core with a rock solid foundation is what sets writers apart.
As you write more and more your mind will open to new ideas, fantasy and a greater imagination. Looking deep within is something that will allow you to bring out your "inner literary tiger." That entails thinking outside the box and taking your thought process to the next level. It's something that every writer has to do in order to keep their writing current, fun, and interesting.
You inner literary tiger is your soul connected to your mind. It's the combination that gives you the writer the green light to bring those unique literary ideas to share with your potential readers. Making the connection is a must in order for your inner literary tiger to come out roaring and confident as you pen your next great story.
Realizing these things can only help your writing process grow and mature, as well as turn you the writer into a substantial and major player in the writing profession. The art of being real and open are key factors that can help any writer get a leg up in this competitive field. It's very important that all writers keep this in mind while building a strong foundation for their literary career. Being able to connect those two key factors are what's going to propell you to the next level with your writing.
Strength, an open mind, your inner connection and masterful thinking is the foundation for a budding writer. This alone sets the stage for your inner literary tiger to emerge and hit the lit scene growling and running. As time moves and your writing abilities grow; your storytelling will take shape and from there your inner literary tiger will blossom into an unstoppable force in the literary field. Keeping these important key factors in mind and also staying true to yourself along with great persistence and a shear ounce of determination will not only bring out that roaring literary tiger, but keep you on top of your writing game for years to come.
By: Cherries And Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
As you write more and more your mind will open to new ideas, fantasy and a greater imagination. Looking deep within is something that will allow you to bring out your "inner literary tiger." That entails thinking outside the box and taking your thought process to the next level. It's something that every writer has to do in order to keep their writing current, fun, and interesting.
You inner literary tiger is your soul connected to your mind. It's the combination that gives you the writer the green light to bring those unique literary ideas to share with your potential readers. Making the connection is a must in order for your inner literary tiger to come out roaring and confident as you pen your next great story.
Realizing these things can only help your writing process grow and mature, as well as turn you the writer into a substantial and major player in the writing profession. The art of being real and open are key factors that can help any writer get a leg up in this competitive field. It's very important that all writers keep this in mind while building a strong foundation for their literary career. Being able to connect those two key factors are what's going to propell you to the next level with your writing.
Strength, an open mind, your inner connection and masterful thinking is the foundation for a budding writer. This alone sets the stage for your inner literary tiger to emerge and hit the lit scene growling and running. As time moves and your writing abilities grow; your storytelling will take shape and from there your inner literary tiger will blossom into an unstoppable force in the literary field. Keeping these important key factors in mind and also staying true to yourself along with great persistence and a shear ounce of determination will not only bring out that roaring literary tiger, but keep you on top of your writing game for years to come.
By: Cherries And Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
SPICY LIT NIGHT CAP! Short Story Play: Organically Salacious!
(Diva's House Of Literary Coffee) Busty beauties, big ass black chicks, and hyper sexual individuals are nothing new. Lusting after people who are like this is hyped up like tea baggers and death panels, which is just nothing new. The organic factor goes out the window because everything is added to or just plain manufactured.
A simple side of leaving it to the imagination doesn’t exist in a pop culture society full of drugs, sex and lust. It’s hard to find that one beauty that is organically well put together and still oozes sex appeal. When it comes, it comes at you like the rock slide that happened in Tennessee. You can’t let it go because you don’t know when that clean organic factor that gives a natural sex appeal may appear again. That’s what happened when Elizabeth came to town.
It was a nice spring day in New York City. The warmth and all the likeness of spring was in the air. Massive amounts of people were walking and talking on their cell phones and in the grove as usual. Elizabeth a native of Crisfield Maryland moved to New York to finish her degree in engineering. She moved to Brooklyn where she was renting a nice brownstone with lots of city charm. Elizabeth was the kind of girl that was focused and never put a lot of effort into her look or her clothing choices. Her hair was long and loosely curled and naturally highlighted. No salon no instant color from a cvs drug store. The clothing she choose was your everyday jeans, plaid shirts with princess puff sleeves and her converse sneakers. This was her wardrobe that made her complete. Back in her small town on the eastern shore of Maryland it was standard, at least for Elizabeth. So many people were following trends and trying to be wannabees of some sort of demeaning cult or so-called keeping up with the Jones. To Elizabeth she was being herself even living in a big city full of fashion ideas and new trends happening daily. Everyday she left her brownstone she walked down those somewhat smelly New York streets to catch the train. With her loosely natural curled hair blowing in the wind and her standard attire she was on her way. Her accessories were a nice sterling silver necklace that was a gift from her mom and a Rolex watch that was inherited from her grandmother. No make-up ever touched this natural beauty only carmex for chapped lips. The smell Elizabeth gave off was a smell of flowers, flowers that bloomed in the south when spring first arrives. She was a one of kind organic beauty that wasn’t seen quite often. Most people stared and when she saw them looking they quickly turned away. Women that were all glammed up just wondered why she didn’t take her beauty to the next level. It wasn’t in Elizabeth to pile on the make up and wear massive amounts of accessories. Her style was clean, fresh and simple.
Living in a big city like New York she never felt pressured to be like most of the girls who was rocking the glam look daily. She was being who she was and of course focusing on school. At this point she had been living in New York City for almost a year. Friends were somewhat non existent because of her studies. When she met men they were very attracted to her because of ability to look great without all the extras. This was very attractive to many older men as well as young men living in a city full of divas who showed the goods every chance they got. Elizabeth attracted all types of men who wanted to connect with a real natural woman who had so much. When men were around her they sniffed her and took in the smell and went home and had little adolescence wet dreams. The freshness was appealing even to women. Most women who came in contact with Elizabeth were inspired to be like her and tried to ooze the organic sex appeal that came natural. It wasn’t something they could emulate because they were already tainted, and bitten by the bug of fashion trends, sex and hardcore madness that came in the form of a bad attitude. Every chance Elizabeth had, she hung out at a hip coffee shop where she wrote her papers and drank regular coffee, unlike most people who indulged in lattes. So many who walked by the coffee shop stared and wondered who this beauty was that looked so different. All eyes were on Elizabeth from morning when she left to attend her classes to evening when she returned home to her Brooklyn brownstone.
Elizabeth didn’t let all the attention bother her in any way possible. She just kept pressing on and didn’t care one way or the other. One day while at her usual outing at the neighborhood coffee shop she was sitting down typing on her lap top. She was excited because she had been using the new windows 7. An older gentlemen on his way home walks by the coffee shop and notices Elizabeth. He stares in the window at her for about a minute, and then decides to enter and approach her. This man was a distinguished looking man with salt and pepper hair and slim in build. “Hello young lady how are you?” Elizabeth looks up and smiles with her gleaming natural white teeth. “I’m ok.” “What is your name?” “My name is Elizabeth and yours.” “I’m Eric…Eric Tingle.” “I just want to let you know how beautiful I think you are.” “It’s not everyday that I see a natural beauty like your self in this city.” In her little girl voice that attracted men to the fullest, Elizabeth tells Eric; “Thanks Eric, I do appreciate you saying that.” As Eric was beginning to make more conversation Elizabeth began to pack up her books and her laptop and leave. “Well I guess I will see you around sometime Eric.” “Ok Elizabeth it was nice meeting you.” As Elizabeth walked out Eric held her overwhelming natural smell in his nose until he reached home. Of course he was married with a beautiful wife and kids. He entered his home with Elizabeth still on his mind. He kissed his wife and went upstairs straight for his office. There he plopped down in his chair leaned his head back and finally exhaled. At that moment Eric constantly smelled his hands or any part of his clothing that may have had Elizabeth’s smell on him. He couldn’t deny it, the strong attraction to a young natural beauty like that was strong and he wanted more. His lusting began that day and from that day forward he wanted to touch, sniff, and have contact with Elizabeth. Most of the men that met Elizabeth did what Eric did and some did more like masturbation. It wasn’t likely that Eric would have a chance with Elizabeth. However, every chance he got to see her he made a point to be somewhat close to her. It was a constant struggle but it was already set in motion for Eric to continue is sexual attraction to a young woman like Elizabeth who oozed natural sex appeal in so many ways. Eric thought to himself, “Wow! Elizabeth is so sexually fragile, and so naturally floetic that my brain masturbates like rushing waters splitting a mountain and building a canyon.” “OMG!”
By: Cherries And Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
A simple side of leaving it to the imagination doesn’t exist in a pop culture society full of drugs, sex and lust. It’s hard to find that one beauty that is organically well put together and still oozes sex appeal. When it comes, it comes at you like the rock slide that happened in Tennessee. You can’t let it go because you don’t know when that clean organic factor that gives a natural sex appeal may appear again. That’s what happened when Elizabeth came to town.
It was a nice spring day in New York City. The warmth and all the likeness of spring was in the air. Massive amounts of people were walking and talking on their cell phones and in the grove as usual. Elizabeth a native of Crisfield Maryland moved to New York to finish her degree in engineering. She moved to Brooklyn where she was renting a nice brownstone with lots of city charm. Elizabeth was the kind of girl that was focused and never put a lot of effort into her look or her clothing choices. Her hair was long and loosely curled and naturally highlighted. No salon no instant color from a cvs drug store. The clothing she choose was your everyday jeans, plaid shirts with princess puff sleeves and her converse sneakers. This was her wardrobe that made her complete. Back in her small town on the eastern shore of Maryland it was standard, at least for Elizabeth. So many people were following trends and trying to be wannabees of some sort of demeaning cult or so-called keeping up with the Jones. To Elizabeth she was being herself even living in a big city full of fashion ideas and new trends happening daily. Everyday she left her brownstone she walked down those somewhat smelly New York streets to catch the train. With her loosely natural curled hair blowing in the wind and her standard attire she was on her way. Her accessories were a nice sterling silver necklace that was a gift from her mom and a Rolex watch that was inherited from her grandmother. No make-up ever touched this natural beauty only carmex for chapped lips. The smell Elizabeth gave off was a smell of flowers, flowers that bloomed in the south when spring first arrives. She was a one of kind organic beauty that wasn’t seen quite often. Most people stared and when she saw them looking they quickly turned away. Women that were all glammed up just wondered why she didn’t take her beauty to the next level. It wasn’t in Elizabeth to pile on the make up and wear massive amounts of accessories. Her style was clean, fresh and simple.
Living in a big city like New York she never felt pressured to be like most of the girls who was rocking the glam look daily. She was being who she was and of course focusing on school. At this point she had been living in New York City for almost a year. Friends were somewhat non existent because of her studies. When she met men they were very attracted to her because of ability to look great without all the extras. This was very attractive to many older men as well as young men living in a city full of divas who showed the goods every chance they got. Elizabeth attracted all types of men who wanted to connect with a real natural woman who had so much. When men were around her they sniffed her and took in the smell and went home and had little adolescence wet dreams. The freshness was appealing even to women. Most women who came in contact with Elizabeth were inspired to be like her and tried to ooze the organic sex appeal that came natural. It wasn’t something they could emulate because they were already tainted, and bitten by the bug of fashion trends, sex and hardcore madness that came in the form of a bad attitude. Every chance Elizabeth had, she hung out at a hip coffee shop where she wrote her papers and drank regular coffee, unlike most people who indulged in lattes. So many who walked by the coffee shop stared and wondered who this beauty was that looked so different. All eyes were on Elizabeth from morning when she left to attend her classes to evening when she returned home to her Brooklyn brownstone.
Elizabeth didn’t let all the attention bother her in any way possible. She just kept pressing on and didn’t care one way or the other. One day while at her usual outing at the neighborhood coffee shop she was sitting down typing on her lap top. She was excited because she had been using the new windows 7. An older gentlemen on his way home walks by the coffee shop and notices Elizabeth. He stares in the window at her for about a minute, and then decides to enter and approach her. This man was a distinguished looking man with salt and pepper hair and slim in build. “Hello young lady how are you?” Elizabeth looks up and smiles with her gleaming natural white teeth. “I’m ok.” “What is your name?” “My name is Elizabeth and yours.” “I’m Eric…Eric Tingle.” “I just want to let you know how beautiful I think you are.” “It’s not everyday that I see a natural beauty like your self in this city.” In her little girl voice that attracted men to the fullest, Elizabeth tells Eric; “Thanks Eric, I do appreciate you saying that.” As Eric was beginning to make more conversation Elizabeth began to pack up her books and her laptop and leave. “Well I guess I will see you around sometime Eric.” “Ok Elizabeth it was nice meeting you.” As Elizabeth walked out Eric held her overwhelming natural smell in his nose until he reached home. Of course he was married with a beautiful wife and kids. He entered his home with Elizabeth still on his mind. He kissed his wife and went upstairs straight for his office. There he plopped down in his chair leaned his head back and finally exhaled. At that moment Eric constantly smelled his hands or any part of his clothing that may have had Elizabeth’s smell on him. He couldn’t deny it, the strong attraction to a young natural beauty like that was strong and he wanted more. His lusting began that day and from that day forward he wanted to touch, sniff, and have contact with Elizabeth. Most of the men that met Elizabeth did what Eric did and some did more like masturbation. It wasn’t likely that Eric would have a chance with Elizabeth. However, every chance he got to see her he made a point to be somewhat close to her. It was a constant struggle but it was already set in motion for Eric to continue is sexual attraction to a young woman like Elizabeth who oozed natural sex appeal in so many ways. Eric thought to himself, “Wow! Elizabeth is so sexually fragile, and so naturally floetic that my brain masturbates like rushing waters splitting a mountain and building a canyon.” “OMG!”
By: Cherries And Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
(Diva's House Of Literary Coffee) Spokenword, traditional poetry and mountains of free verse has made it's way to mainstream literature. As we begin to open our minds to what poets of elite literary societies and the underground poets are giving us; we shouldn't forget that it goes back to just poetry. Traditional as it is; it's a form of play on words, metaphors, grand finales, and the under belly of vivacious and irridecent melancholy semantics.
Structure and true literary effects are the common denominator when it comes to spitting a piece. Yes; spitting, breaking it down or laying it down are all commonalities of stepping up to the mic for the spokenword arena. While gathering in a circle, meeting at the coffee shop, and forming a literary group to stand and share your poetic writing are commonalities of the tradtional poetic arena. The style of structured collective thoughts or spitting may seem to be different, but when listening and understanding the messenger it all falls in line of just poetry.
Poetry; what is this unique form of literature that has so many on lock and ready to load anyway? What is it about this must-learn style of literature that has many wanting to take a stab at it, and see where they fall? As we open up the channels of words, metaphoric themes, robust free verse and rhyming schemes we are met with a true sense of literature straight from the heart of a poet. It's the chance to open up our minds and ears to let true knowledge, grand literature and a structured or raw talent sink in our thought process to enjoy, and to let the true essence of the words of the messenger digest in our bellies. As we listen and eat the words that we read or hear, it should be a feeding of word knowledge and spontaneous motivation to want more of this one two punch of this spellbinding oppulance that gives us something to think about.
Form, word knowledge and style are the most important when talking or creating poetry. It comes down to diving back in time to see how it all began, and to get a wide range of understanding of this sometimes complicated form of literature. It takes grand thought, and precious time to think and master a style all your own to spit or lay your words down so the message is clear and concise. As it goes in poetry, one must gain an understand of the foundation to be able to master a style of your own, and to produce an outstanding piece whether in the form of spokenword piece or in a traditonal form of poetry writing.
Many can master this form of literature in a specific amount of time when putting in the time. However, learning the ins and outs is what's going to gain you an understanding of the foundation of poetics so that when the creative process begins you can incorportate true structure and great dashes of your own creative style. Mastering just one isn't going to cut it, it has be structured on a poetic foundation. Taking the time to create a poetic package such as; knowing the true baseline of the poetic form, studying the world of literature as a whole, and incorporating your own lyrical style is what's going to set you apart from the rest.
As it stands traditional poetics and spokenword poetics are just poetry; but with a different style of each messenger. Style, style and more style is the icing on the cake when creating a poetic piece to share with the world. Keeping in mind that the foundation is what's going to keep your poetic style in check as you progress in the world of poetry. So when we take a look at the poetic lesson it's great to be able to spit a piece or lay down a traditional poetic verse, however if you don't know your baseline of poetics then going back to the begining or the drawing board to gain an understaning of poetry is truly a lesson that can go a long way.
By: Cherries And Strawberries
*Literary Spice Oh So Nice*
Structure and true literary effects are the common denominator when it comes to spitting a piece. Yes; spitting, breaking it down or laying it down are all commonalities of stepping up to the mic for the spokenword arena. While gathering in a circle, meeting at the coffee shop, and forming a literary group to stand and share your poetic writing are commonalities of the tradtional poetic arena. The style of structured collective thoughts or spitting may seem to be different, but when listening and understanding the messenger it all falls in line of just poetry.
Poetry; what is this unique form of literature that has so many on lock and ready to load anyway? What is it about this must-learn style of literature that has many wanting to take a stab at it, and see where they fall? As we open up the channels of words, metaphoric themes, robust free verse and rhyming schemes we are met with a true sense of literature straight from the heart of a poet. It's the chance to open up our minds and ears to let true knowledge, grand literature and a structured or raw talent sink in our thought process to enjoy, and to let the true essence of the words of the messenger digest in our bellies. As we listen and eat the words that we read or hear, it should be a feeding of word knowledge and spontaneous motivation to want more of this one two punch of this spellbinding oppulance that gives us something to think about.
Form, word knowledge and style are the most important when talking or creating poetry. It comes down to diving back in time to see how it all began, and to get a wide range of understanding of this sometimes complicated form of literature. It takes grand thought, and precious time to think and master a style all your own to spit or lay your words down so the message is clear and concise. As it goes in poetry, one must gain an understand of the foundation to be able to master a style of your own, and to produce an outstanding piece whether in the form of spokenword piece or in a traditonal form of poetry writing.
Many can master this form of literature in a specific amount of time when putting in the time. However, learning the ins and outs is what's going to gain you an understanding of the foundation of poetics so that when the creative process begins you can incorportate true structure and great dashes of your own creative style. Mastering just one isn't going to cut it, it has be structured on a poetic foundation. Taking the time to create a poetic package such as; knowing the true baseline of the poetic form, studying the world of literature as a whole, and incorporating your own lyrical style is what's going to set you apart from the rest.
As it stands traditional poetics and spokenword poetics are just poetry; but with a different style of each messenger. Style, style and more style is the icing on the cake when creating a poetic piece to share with the world. Keeping in mind that the foundation is what's going to keep your poetic style in check as you progress in the world of poetry. So when we take a look at the poetic lesson it's great to be able to spit a piece or lay down a traditional poetic verse, however if you don't know your baseline of poetics then going back to the begining or the drawing board to gain an understaning of poetry is truly a lesson that can go a long way.
By: Cherries And Strawberries
*Literary Spice Oh So Nice*
Monday, March 14, 2011
(Diva's House Of Literary Coffee) Hop skipping and jumping girls play with juiced up attitudes of wicked thoughts of foreplay.
Long ponytails flopping up and down falling in sync as sweet toes tip toe back and forth in a dance of delicious envy only to seem soft and fresh. Arrogant babbles echo through the sweet summer air as girls fall in line to see, touch, and smell the sweet nectar of the joyous day.
Hypnotic, exotic and innocent is girls play as vibrant years are captured in time as play time is happy time in the moment.
Intimate whispers of soft sensual word play are shared in gentle ears as innocence interlocks and digest sweet liquid to confirm juicy laughs.
Authenticity is rendered as paper dolls become vibrant and loose. Lost in emotion is the essence of laughs, and intimate seduction of friendships that encounter prickly barbs of solid manipulation and instant hot to the touch Lolita’s.
Sweet bubbles of low key hysteria rocks the world of paper dolls only to leave innocent flavor dripping off sweet arrogant high pitch juicy laughs of rambunctious girls eager to take it to the next level with word play and foreplay.
Instantaneous hiccups of young wicked freshness falls lightly into the dusk as girls play hard, with juiced up foreplay and cool to the touch abilities of brilliance.
Riding high and tasting babbles of sweet tender laughs of paper dolls is climatic and endearing, only to encase innocence of sweet smells, luscious taps, and amped up chaos.
As juicy thoughts of vibrations echo through hopping, skipping, and jumping, girls play become slow drips of soft ambition of juicy laughs.
By: Cherries And Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
Long ponytails flopping up and down falling in sync as sweet toes tip toe back and forth in a dance of delicious envy only to seem soft and fresh. Arrogant babbles echo through the sweet summer air as girls fall in line to see, touch, and smell the sweet nectar of the joyous day.
Hypnotic, exotic and innocent is girls play as vibrant years are captured in time as play time is happy time in the moment.
Intimate whispers of soft sensual word play are shared in gentle ears as innocence interlocks and digest sweet liquid to confirm juicy laughs.
Authenticity is rendered as paper dolls become vibrant and loose. Lost in emotion is the essence of laughs, and intimate seduction of friendships that encounter prickly barbs of solid manipulation and instant hot to the touch Lolita’s.
Sweet bubbles of low key hysteria rocks the world of paper dolls only to leave innocent flavor dripping off sweet arrogant high pitch juicy laughs of rambunctious girls eager to take it to the next level with word play and foreplay.
Instantaneous hiccups of young wicked freshness falls lightly into the dusk as girls play hard, with juiced up foreplay and cool to the touch abilities of brilliance.
Riding high and tasting babbles of sweet tender laughs of paper dolls is climatic and endearing, only to encase innocence of sweet smells, luscious taps, and amped up chaos.
As juicy thoughts of vibrations echo through hopping, skipping, and jumping, girls play become slow drips of soft ambition of juicy laughs.
By: Cherries And Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
*FLEXING YOUR LITERARY MUSCLES-Digging Deep To Protrude Real Literary Style and Elegance*
(Diva's House of Literary Coffee) Divide and conquer to take your inner lit style to new heights, or divide and bow down and get the hell out of the way and go back to the drawing board.
Your literary style is what makes you unique in more ways than one. It’s what streamlines you to the next level and sets you apart when time permits. It’s what sets your creativity apart from the rest of the literary knuckle-heads on the lit scene. It’s what enables you to have superior creative control over your work and to make what you do seem real, valid and fabulous.
The only way to have a great match and have your work give off a wow-screaming effect is to enrich your life with a feasible plan to include pure and old fashion thinking. Yes, old fashion using your innards and your head will yield you much more than you think in the long run. It’s about being real, keeping it real, and having a love for the craft like nobody’s business. Taking on your own wicked but vibrant notions and strong capabilities is something that if practiced ,can take you to the top of the literary scene.
Digging deep and taking the time to hone that special part of you is what any aspiring writer has to do in order to remain competitive and exude pure literary confidence. It’s the only way to make your writings stand out ahead of the pack. The idea of embracing your inner faults, memories that are steady in your mind, and the education whether self taught or paid in full can give any writer the “matter of fact” ability and the will to apply in the development stage of a one-of-kind literary style.
By: Cherries And Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
Your literary style is what makes you unique in more ways than one. It’s what streamlines you to the next level and sets you apart when time permits. It’s what sets your creativity apart from the rest of the literary knuckle-heads on the lit scene. It’s what enables you to have superior creative control over your work and to make what you do seem real, valid and fabulous.
The only way to have a great match and have your work give off a wow-screaming effect is to enrich your life with a feasible plan to include pure and old fashion thinking. Yes, old fashion using your innards and your head will yield you much more than you think in the long run. It’s about being real, keeping it real, and having a love for the craft like nobody’s business. Taking on your own wicked but vibrant notions and strong capabilities is something that if practiced ,can take you to the top of the literary scene.
Digging deep and taking the time to hone that special part of you is what any aspiring writer has to do in order to remain competitive and exude pure literary confidence. It’s the only way to make your writings stand out ahead of the pack. The idea of embracing your inner faults, memories that are steady in your mind, and the education whether self taught or paid in full can give any writer the “matter of fact” ability and the will to apply in the development stage of a one-of-kind literary style.
By: Cherries And Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Bubbles of sweet sensual saliva accommodates double your trouble nips of little sillies and create a frenzy of laced particles that instill small jabs of great envy; as it sits still on a silky and wet bath of evolution only to celebrate with juicy nonchalant hiccups and delightful soul claps.
Hurt and Sweat fill up the sitting as heaven is engorged between molecules and the ever essence of life, and to only fall in love with the soft touches and brazen strokes. Beauty renders a choice of silence or salacious sounds of a closed off wet rainforest. Catch it or miss it as it speeds up and rocks the insides of sweet saliva.
Heaven penetrates as the eyes of the corpuscles go numb and fill with juice to ensure ecstasy and mind altering inhibitions that holds the key to continued evolution. Breaking down the sexy of grand daddy evolution and wicked utopias are like a paralyzing atom bomb, but only to sense the ever changing loops that take you inside and out to a captivating hard summer rain.
Seduced by the copulation of penetrating sweat and significant tease; it pleases the palette by a strong force only to slow down in rough but sudden frustration. Sea saws of jagged poetic violence massage the soul only to comb and stroke with purity and divine hard knocks of the deep.
Love splits two ways only to force heaven to take the bait and come out and play with steam and pain. As heaven embraces the soft sweet ambiance of juiced up solitary confinement; small and sexy bubbles flourish to the surface only to stop and listen to an ever riding heartbeat that speaks of delicious, tasty, and sweet saliva.
Sexy radiant love of purpose, clouds the judgment as the thoughts of riding it out seep in; but only to rise up in the very core of heaven and into the confines of sweet saliva.
By: Cherries And Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
Hurt and Sweat fill up the sitting as heaven is engorged between molecules and the ever essence of life, and to only fall in love with the soft touches and brazen strokes. Beauty renders a choice of silence or salacious sounds of a closed off wet rainforest. Catch it or miss it as it speeds up and rocks the insides of sweet saliva.
Heaven penetrates as the eyes of the corpuscles go numb and fill with juice to ensure ecstasy and mind altering inhibitions that holds the key to continued evolution. Breaking down the sexy of grand daddy evolution and wicked utopias are like a paralyzing atom bomb, but only to sense the ever changing loops that take you inside and out to a captivating hard summer rain.
Seduced by the copulation of penetrating sweat and significant tease; it pleases the palette by a strong force only to slow down in rough but sudden frustration. Sea saws of jagged poetic violence massage the soul only to comb and stroke with purity and divine hard knocks of the deep.
Love splits two ways only to force heaven to take the bait and come out and play with steam and pain. As heaven embraces the soft sweet ambiance of juiced up solitary confinement; small and sexy bubbles flourish to the surface only to stop and listen to an ever riding heartbeat that speaks of delicious, tasty, and sweet saliva.
Sexy radiant love of purpose, clouds the judgment as the thoughts of riding it out seep in; but only to rise up in the very core of heaven and into the confines of sweet saliva.
By: Cherries And Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
When it comes to writing for any writer, mastering the art of storytelling can be a challenge for some. When in doubt look within!
Each individual who decides to be a professional writer, has to find their own creativity. Looking within yourself takes "balls", and guts! Doing it, not only helps you the writer master the way you want your stories to be told, but helps you to become comfortable with who you are as a writer.
Mastering your storytelling is what every writer has to do in order to write the types of stories that they truly want to write.
Writing is an art, but it's an art every writer has to make their own. It's a must and it's necessary.
Today, get busy and start mastering your storytelling.
Remeber, holding back isn't an option it's a choice!
By: Cherries and Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
Each individual who decides to be a professional writer, has to find their own creativity. Looking within yourself takes "balls", and guts! Doing it, not only helps you the writer master the way you want your stories to be told, but helps you to become comfortable with who you are as a writer.
Mastering your storytelling is what every writer has to do in order to write the types of stories that they truly want to write.
Writing is an art, but it's an art every writer has to make their own. It's a must and it's necessary.
Today, get busy and start mastering your storytelling.
Remeber, holding back isn't an option it's a choice!
By: Cherries and Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
Saturday, March 12, 2011
SPICY LIT NIGHT CAP! Poetry Play: Three Thoughts!
THREE THOUGHTS By: Alice Ruth Dunbar Nelson
How few of us
In all the world's great, ceaseless struggling strife,
Go to our work with gladsome, buoyant step,
And love it for its sake, whate'er it be.
Because it is a labor, or, mayhap,
Some sweet, peculiar art of God's own gift;
And not the promise of the world's slow smile
of recognition, or of mammon's gilded grasp.
Alas, how few, in inspiration's dazzling flash,
Or spiritual sense of world's beyond the dome
Of circling blue around this weary earth,
Can bask, and know the God-given grace
Of genius' fire that flows and permeates
The virgin mind alone; the soul in which
The love of earth hath tainted not.
The love of art and art alone.
"Who dares stand forth?" the monarch cried,
"Amid the throng, and dare to give
Their aid, and bid this wretch to live?
I pledge my faith and crown beside,
A woeful plight, a sorry sight,
This outcast from all God-given grace.
What, ho! in all, no friendly face,
No helping hand to stay his plight?
St. Peter's name be pledged for aye,
The man's accursed, that is true;
But ho, he suffers. None of you
Will mercy show, or pity sigh?"
Strong men drew back, and lordly train
Did slowly file from monarch's look,
Whose lips curled scorn. But from a nook
A voice cried out, "Though he has slain
That which I loved the best on earth,
Yet will I tend him till he dies,
I can be brave." A woman's eyes
Gazed fearlessly into his own.
When all the world has grown full cold to thee,
And man--proud pygmy--shrugs all scornfully,
And bitter, blinding tears flow gushing forth,
Because of thine own sorrows and poor plight,
Then turn ye swift to nature's page,
And read there passions, immeasurably far
Greater than thine own in all their littleness.
For nature has her sorrows and her joys,
As all the piled-up mountains and low vales
Will silently attest--and hang thy head
In dire confusion, for having dared
To moan at thine own miseries
When God and nature suffer silently.
By: Cherries And Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
How few of us
In all the world's great, ceaseless struggling strife,
Go to our work with gladsome, buoyant step,
And love it for its sake, whate'er it be.
Because it is a labor, or, mayhap,
Some sweet, peculiar art of God's own gift;
And not the promise of the world's slow smile
of recognition, or of mammon's gilded grasp.
Alas, how few, in inspiration's dazzling flash,
Or spiritual sense of world's beyond the dome
Of circling blue around this weary earth,
Can bask, and know the God-given grace
Of genius' fire that flows and permeates
The virgin mind alone; the soul in which
The love of earth hath tainted not.
The love of art and art alone.
"Who dares stand forth?" the monarch cried,
"Amid the throng, and dare to give
Their aid, and bid this wretch to live?
I pledge my faith and crown beside,
A woeful plight, a sorry sight,
This outcast from all God-given grace.
What, ho! in all, no friendly face,
No helping hand to stay his plight?
St. Peter's name be pledged for aye,
The man's accursed, that is true;
But ho, he suffers. None of you
Will mercy show, or pity sigh?"
Strong men drew back, and lordly train
Did slowly file from monarch's look,
Whose lips curled scorn. But from a nook
A voice cried out, "Though he has slain
That which I loved the best on earth,
Yet will I tend him till he dies,
I can be brave." A woman's eyes
Gazed fearlessly into his own.
When all the world has grown full cold to thee,
And man--proud pygmy--shrugs all scornfully,
And bitter, blinding tears flow gushing forth,
Because of thine own sorrows and poor plight,
Then turn ye swift to nature's page,
And read there passions, immeasurably far
Greater than thine own in all their littleness.
For nature has her sorrows and her joys,
As all the piled-up mountains and low vales
Will silently attest--and hang thy head
In dire confusion, for having dared
To moan at thine own miseries
When God and nature suffer silently.
By: Cherries And Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
There's nothing like a strong writer that knows their stuff. Most of all, there's nothing like a strong writer that's confident in their abilities to tell "their" own stories.
Being literary strong is something you must find within yourself. No one can give it to you and you can't buy it from a literary shop.
It's your own thing and yours only. The more you learn, and get comfortable with who you are as a writer, then your storytelling will shine in so many ways.
Today, get on the literary grind and continue your literary education so that you can be literary strong!
By: Cherries and Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
Being literary strong is something you must find within yourself. No one can give it to you and you can't buy it from a literary shop.
It's your own thing and yours only. The more you learn, and get comfortable with who you are as a writer, then your storytelling will shine in so many ways.
Today, get on the literary grind and continue your literary education so that you can be literary strong!
By: Cherries and Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
Friday, March 11, 2011
SPICY LIT NIGHT CAP! Poetry Play: Rain Drops On My Tongue!
Rain Drops On My Tongue (Diva's House Of Literay Coffee)
I coo little breaths as the free bird in me spins around in the moment of tragedy. Time goes on and I stand still thinking; will I remain here as me. Not easily broken I feel tight but whimsical as I close my eyes and feel the cloud pass over me as I coo soft little breaths in my soul.
As rain-drops drop on my tongue my mind takes over and burst with helplessness and freedom as the bubbles burst like a fresh drop of lemon on my tongue. Freedom feels good as I feel the rain drops explode in my mouth; as I think of all the tiny bubbles finding its way to my soul. Feelings of living and dying run rampart in me as my tongue collects rain-drops to cleanse the depths of the deepest part of me.
I swirl in the midst of time as tragedies and moments of glory are current, but fading. It hits me like bad news as I try to make it in my mind. As it hurts it touches softly and keeps me present for time to pass by. As I stand still I coo and taste all the good, tragedies, and hopeful moments of the future. It’s time to go in, but not before I get one last rain-drop on my tongue. Momentum is building as I wait for the last drop to fall and burst on my tongue.
Seeing is believing and as I close my eyes, and taste it for the last time, I coo deep but little breaths as the free bird in me spins around in the moment of tragedy. I stand still and taste bursting wet rain-drops on my tongue.
By: Cherries And Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
I coo little breaths as the free bird in me spins around in the moment of tragedy. Time goes on and I stand still thinking; will I remain here as me. Not easily broken I feel tight but whimsical as I close my eyes and feel the cloud pass over me as I coo soft little breaths in my soul.
As rain-drops drop on my tongue my mind takes over and burst with helplessness and freedom as the bubbles burst like a fresh drop of lemon on my tongue. Freedom feels good as I feel the rain drops explode in my mouth; as I think of all the tiny bubbles finding its way to my soul. Feelings of living and dying run rampart in me as my tongue collects rain-drops to cleanse the depths of the deepest part of me.
I swirl in the midst of time as tragedies and moments of glory are current, but fading. It hits me like bad news as I try to make it in my mind. As it hurts it touches softly and keeps me present for time to pass by. As I stand still I coo and taste all the good, tragedies, and hopeful moments of the future. It’s time to go in, but not before I get one last rain-drop on my tongue. Momentum is building as I wait for the last drop to fall and burst on my tongue.
Seeing is believing and as I close my eyes, and taste it for the last time, I coo deep but little breaths as the free bird in me spins around in the moment of tragedy. I stand still and taste bursting wet rain-drops on my tongue.
By: Cherries And Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
It's time to come out and join the literary party! It's time to make your literary mark on the world!
Putting out a book can be scary, and intimidating as there are so many writers out their with published lit. While there is alot of literature out there; there's always room for yours no matter what.
Today dont' think about what books are already out there on the literary market. Don't think about the topics. Just focus on your book and your message.
Believing that there's room for your book is what's going to to help you stay positive and work it.
Ultimately it's what's going to help you "make your literary mark."
Believe and you can succeed!
By: Cherries and Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
Putting out a book can be scary, and intimidating as there are so many writers out their with published lit. While there is alot of literature out there; there's always room for yours no matter what.
Today dont' think about what books are already out there on the literary market. Don't think about the topics. Just focus on your book and your message.
Believing that there's room for your book is what's going to to help you stay positive and work it.
Ultimately it's what's going to help you "make your literary mark."
Believe and you can succeed!
By: Cherries and Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
Thursday, March 10, 2011
SPICY LIT NIGHT CAP! Word Play: Spiritual!
It's amazing what comes to people's mind when this word is tossed around: "Spiritual."
When I think of this word, it takes me back to going to church with family, and studying the bible more times and than I can count. At the time "spiritual" meant very little, but now it means more than going to church.
This word is sexy in a sense, that you engage in something that's very important to you. It says "I'm confident" and no one can break me down. It says "I'm secure in myself and I know myself."
In your storytelling define "spiritual" in your way. How you describe, and portray it in your story doesn't have to be on a traditional level or anyone elses level. Take it and roll with it and use it in a creative sense, and remember to take it to the next level.
Remember; your way of being spiritual is your way and your way only.
By: Cherries and Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
When I think of this word, it takes me back to going to church with family, and studying the bible more times and than I can count. At the time "spiritual" meant very little, but now it means more than going to church.
This word is sexy in a sense, that you engage in something that's very important to you. It says "I'm confident" and no one can break me down. It says "I'm secure in myself and I know myself."
In your storytelling define "spiritual" in your way. How you describe, and portray it in your story doesn't have to be on a traditional level or anyone elses level. Take it and roll with it and use it in a creative sense, and remember to take it to the next level.
Remember; your way of being spiritual is your way and your way only.
By: Cherries and Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
If your a writer think how to take your storytelling to the next level.
Telling stories is an amazing gift that most have in them. However, it's how they take those stories to the next level that seperates one writer from the next.
Take the time to get to know your story, it's characters, and how you want your message to be received by the potential readers. When you do this, it enhances your thought process and allows you to be more creative in building your story from begining to end.
Today, take it to the next level and turn your story into a phenonmenal one.
By: Cherries and Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
Telling stories is an amazing gift that most have in them. However, it's how they take those stories to the next level that seperates one writer from the next.
Take the time to get to know your story, it's characters, and how you want your message to be received by the potential readers. When you do this, it enhances your thought process and allows you to be more creative in building your story from begining to end.
Today, take it to the next level and turn your story into a phenonmenal one.
By: Cherries and Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
SPICY LIT NIGHT CAP! Poetry Play: Harlem Wine!
HARLEM WINE BY: Countee Cullen
This is not water running here,
These thick rebellious streams
That hurtle flesh and bone past fear
Down alleyways of dreams
This is a wine that must flow on
Not caring how or where
So it has ways to flow upon
Where song is in the air.
So it can woo an artful flute
With loose elastic lips
Its measurements of joy compute
With blithe, ecstatic hips.
By: Cherries And Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
This is not water running here,
These thick rebellious streams
That hurtle flesh and bone past fear
Down alleyways of dreams
This is a wine that must flow on
Not caring how or where
So it has ways to flow upon
Where song is in the air.
So it can woo an artful flute
With loose elastic lips
Its measurements of joy compute
With blithe, ecstatic hips.
By: Cherries And Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
That's right let's get physical for literary inspiration!
Take a walk, ride a bike, or a hike to gain inspiration for your next novel. Doing this will not only get you that much needed workout, but it will get you out of the house and get back to nature.
Nature inspires us in so many ways with beauty, sounds, and alot of things to look at!
Today, take time to get a much a needed workout and get inspired by the natural beauty that nature has to offer. It can definitely inspire your next story in more ways than you can imagine.
By: Cherries And Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
Take a walk, ride a bike, or a hike to gain inspiration for your next novel. Doing this will not only get you that much needed workout, but it will get you out of the house and get back to nature.
Nature inspires us in so many ways with beauty, sounds, and alot of things to look at!
Today, take time to get a much a needed workout and get inspired by the natural beauty that nature has to offer. It can definitely inspire your next story in more ways than you can imagine.
By: Cherries And Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
SPICY LIT NIGHT CAP! Poetry Play: Touch!
TOUCH BY: Octavio Paz
My hands
Open the curtains of your being
Clothe you in a further nudity
Uncover the bodies of your body
My hands
Invent another body for your body
By: Cherries and Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
My hands
Open the curtains of your being
Clothe you in a further nudity
Uncover the bodies of your body
My hands
Invent another body for your body
By: Cherries and Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
Taking your storytelling just got better as you immerse and wrap yourself up in what you want your message to be. Your message is from within and you are the messenger, so put some fire in your lit step and get to the point.
Getting to the point, with your storytelling and not waisting time is something that most writers fight. Many are procrastinaters as they start and then stop. Again please get to the point!
Don't let "your point" fall back and miss out on the joys of having your message put out so your readers can enjoy your story. It's time to put it in high gear and "get to the point."
By. Cherries and Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
Getting to the point, with your storytelling and not waisting time is something that most writers fight. Many are procrastinaters as they start and then stop. Again please get to the point!
Don't let "your point" fall back and miss out on the joys of having your message put out so your readers can enjoy your story. It's time to put it in high gear and "get to the point."
By. Cherries and Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
Monday, March 7, 2011
SPICY LIT NIGHT CAP! Poetry Play: A Thing Of Beauty!
A thing of beauty is a joy for ever:
Its loveliness increases; it will never
Pass into nothingness; but still will keep
A bower quiet for us, and a sleepFull of sweet dreams, and health, and quiet breathing.
Therefore, on every morrow, are we wreathing
A flowery band to bind us to the earth,
Spite of despondence, of the inhuman dearth
Of noble natures, of the gloomy days,
Of all the unhealthy and o'er-darkened ways
Made for our searching: yes, in spite of all,
Some shape of beauty moves away the pall
From our dark spirits. Such the sun, the moon,
Trees old, and young, sprouting a shady boon
For simple sheep; and such are daffodils
With the green world they live in; and clear rills
That for themselves a cooling covert make
'Gainst the hot season; the mid-forest brake,
Rich with a sprinkling of fair musk-rose blooms:
And such too is the grandeur of the dooms
We have imagined for the mighty dead;
All lovely tales that we have heard or read:
An endless fountain of immortal drink,
Pouring unto us from the heaven's brink.
Nor do we merely feel these essences
For one short hour; no, even as the trees
That whisper round a temple become soon
Dear as the temple's self, so does the moon,
The passion poesy, glories infinite,
Haunt us till they become a cheering light
Unto our souls, and bound to us so fast
That, whether there be shine or gloom o'ercast,
They always must be with us, or we die.
Therefore, 'tis with full happiness that I
Will trace the story of Endymion.
The very music of the name has gone
Into my being, and each pleasant scene
Is growing fresh before me as the green
Of our own valleys: so I will begin
Now while I cannot hear the city's din;
Now while the early budders are just new,
And run in mazes of the youngest hue
About old forests; while the willow trails
Its delicate amber; and the dairy pails
Bring home increase of milk. And, as the year
Grows lush in juicy stalks, I'll smoothly steer
My little boat, for many quiet hours,
With streams that deepen freshly into bowers.
Many and many a verse I hope to write,
Before the daisies, vermeil rimmed and white,
Hide in deep herbage; and ere yet the bees
Hum about globes of clover and sweet peas,
I must be near the middle of my story.
O may no wintry season, bare and hoary,
See it half finished: but let Autumn bold,
With universal tinge of sober gold,
Be all about me when I make an end!
And now at once, adventuresome, I send
My herald thought into a wilderness:
There let its trumpet blow, and quickly dress
My uncertain path with green, that I may speed
Easily onward, thorough flowers and weed.
By: Cherries and Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
A thing of beauty is a joy for ever:
Its loveliness increases; it will never
Pass into nothingness; but still will keep
A bower quiet for us, and a sleepFull of sweet dreams, and health, and quiet breathing.
Therefore, on every morrow, are we wreathing
A flowery band to bind us to the earth,
Spite of despondence, of the inhuman dearth
Of noble natures, of the gloomy days,
Of all the unhealthy and o'er-darkened ways
Made for our searching: yes, in spite of all,
Some shape of beauty moves away the pall
From our dark spirits. Such the sun, the moon,
Trees old, and young, sprouting a shady boon
For simple sheep; and such are daffodils
With the green world they live in; and clear rills
That for themselves a cooling covert make
'Gainst the hot season; the mid-forest brake,
Rich with a sprinkling of fair musk-rose blooms:
And such too is the grandeur of the dooms
We have imagined for the mighty dead;
All lovely tales that we have heard or read:
An endless fountain of immortal drink,
Pouring unto us from the heaven's brink.
Nor do we merely feel these essences
For one short hour; no, even as the trees
That whisper round a temple become soon
Dear as the temple's self, so does the moon,
The passion poesy, glories infinite,
Haunt us till they become a cheering light
Unto our souls, and bound to us so fast
That, whether there be shine or gloom o'ercast,
They always must be with us, or we die.
Therefore, 'tis with full happiness that I
Will trace the story of Endymion.
The very music of the name has gone
Into my being, and each pleasant scene
Is growing fresh before me as the green
Of our own valleys: so I will begin
Now while I cannot hear the city's din;
Now while the early budders are just new,
And run in mazes of the youngest hue
About old forests; while the willow trails
Its delicate amber; and the dairy pails
Bring home increase of milk. And, as the year
Grows lush in juicy stalks, I'll smoothly steer
My little boat, for many quiet hours,
With streams that deepen freshly into bowers.
Many and many a verse I hope to write,
Before the daisies, vermeil rimmed and white,
Hide in deep herbage; and ere yet the bees
Hum about globes of clover and sweet peas,
I must be near the middle of my story.
O may no wintry season, bare and hoary,
See it half finished: but let Autumn bold,
With universal tinge of sober gold,
Be all about me when I make an end!
And now at once, adventuresome, I send
My herald thought into a wilderness:
There let its trumpet blow, and quickly dress
My uncertain path with green, that I may speed
Easily onward, thorough flowers and weed.
By: Cherries and Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
It's all about writing for many writers as they release their creative energy on paper with hopes and dreams to follow.
Writing provides us with an open mind and the ever expanding of thoughts to keep creating over and over again. It's magical and appetizing when your creative spirit releases the passion of your words and explode into what you want your message to be.
Today write and write, and feel the explosive energy of your own creative spirit.
By: Cherries and Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
Writing provides us with an open mind and the ever expanding of thoughts to keep creating over and over again. It's magical and appetizing when your creative spirit releases the passion of your words and explode into what you want your message to be.
Today write and write, and feel the explosive energy of your own creative spirit.
By: Cherries and Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
Sunday, March 6, 2011
SPICY LIT NIGHT CAP! Poetry Play: Your Feet!
"YOUR FEET" By: Pablo Neruda
When I cannot look at your face
I look at your feet.
Your feet of arched bone,
your hard little feet.
I know that they support you,
and that your sweet weight
rises upon them.
Your waist and your breasts,
the doubled purple
of your nipples,
the sockets of your eyes
that have just flown away,
your wide fruit mouth,
your red tresses,
my little tower.
But I love your feet
only because they walked
upon the earth and upon
the wind and upon the waters,
until they found me.
By: Cherries and Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
When I cannot look at your face
I look at your feet.
Your feet of arched bone,
your hard little feet.
I know that they support you,
and that your sweet weight
rises upon them.
Your waist and your breasts,
the doubled purple
of your nipples,
the sockets of your eyes
that have just flown away,
your wide fruit mouth,
your red tresses,
my little tower.
But I love your feet
only because they walked
upon the earth and upon
the wind and upon the waters,
until they found me.
By: Cherries and Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
It's all about motivation, inspiration, determination, aspiration and creativity. Yes, we are talking about your creative rainbow!
Your creative rainbow is your thoughts, muses, sayings, and your bag of writing tricks. It's what allows you to spawn story after story to produce something great for your reading audience. It's what gives you that spark of "I'm ready to create" for that moment.
Using your creative rainbow will be up to you the writer as you continue to write. Just like the original color rainbow where you can mix two colors together and come out with a totally new color; yours is the same. It simply means you have a foundation, that you can expand and mix together and get something new.
Today, look at your creative rainbow and work with it, play around with it, and mix it up a bit. I guarantee you will discover something totally new to add to your storytelling.
By: Cherries and Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
Your creative rainbow is your thoughts, muses, sayings, and your bag of writing tricks. It's what allows you to spawn story after story to produce something great for your reading audience. It's what gives you that spark of "I'm ready to create" for that moment.
Using your creative rainbow will be up to you the writer as you continue to write. Just like the original color rainbow where you can mix two colors together and come out with a totally new color; yours is the same. It simply means you have a foundation, that you can expand and mix together and get something new.
Today, look at your creative rainbow and work with it, play around with it, and mix it up a bit. I guarantee you will discover something totally new to add to your storytelling.
By: Cherries and Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
SPICY LIT NIGHT CAP! Poetry Play Moreover, the Moon:! 3/5/11
Face of the skies
over our wonder.
truant of heaven
draw us under.
Silver, circular corpse
your decease
infects us with unendurable ease,
touching nerve-terminals
to thermal icicles
Coercive as coma, frail as bloom
innuendoes of your inverse dawn
suffuse the self;
our every corpuscle become an elf.
By: Cherries and Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
Face of the skies
over our wonder.
truant of heaven
draw us under.
Silver, circular corpse
your decease
infects us with unendurable ease,
touching nerve-terminals
to thermal icicles
Coercive as coma, frail as bloom
innuendoes of your inverse dawn
suffuse the self;
our every corpuscle become an elf.
By: Cherries and Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Creativity is magic and innovation. It comes from the individual who takes time to explore and has the need to turn nothing into something.
Opening the door to your own creativity can start with anything. You can definitely find anything to spark your vision to create something spectacular. For many it's this or that, but for some it can be from a "letter."
The one "letter" of creativity can spawn an award winning novel, poem or a large following. When doing this choose any "letter." Place the "letter" in the middle of your paper (this requires writing by hand). After that, build what you can from the "letter" and place it around the "letter in a circular motion." Remember it can be anything from: a word to a sentence to a short story. After you have completed it, take what you have and put it together into a story or poem.
What you create from the exercise will be something to remember.
Today, "open the door to your creativity with a simple letter" and create something out of this world. As you know, it could be your next big story.
By: Cherries and Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
Opening the door to your own creativity can start with anything. You can definitely find anything to spark your vision to create something spectacular. For many it's this or that, but for some it can be from a "letter."
The one "letter" of creativity can spawn an award winning novel, poem or a large following. When doing this choose any "letter." Place the "letter" in the middle of your paper (this requires writing by hand). After that, build what you can from the "letter" and place it around the "letter in a circular motion." Remember it can be anything from: a word to a sentence to a short story. After you have completed it, take what you have and put it together into a story or poem.
What you create from the exercise will be something to remember.
Today, "open the door to your creativity with a simple letter" and create something out of this world. As you know, it could be your next big story.
By: Cherries and Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*
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