Saturday, July 21, 2012


Love can be funny, jilting, happy, hateful, and romantic.

Most of us when in love find ourselves peeling back the layers of ourselves and the person we are with to understand this ever changing emotion.  It's one of the hardest thing some of us will ever experience in our lives.

As you begin to create a story, taking inspiration from love will always do the trick.  You can spin it any way you want; taking most parts from your own experiences as well as other individual's experiences. 

Diving into this emotion requires heighten senses and long hard thought. Think about what it was like for you to be in love as well as for your partner. Go deep and look inside even if your still dealing with some issues. It not only can be great therapy but it can also take your story to the next level.  As you do this, your story will have the twist and turns and strong characters that you want.  Your story will come alive in every scene, character and most of all in every word you write.

The benefits of taking inspiration from love is that, you have access to alot of material, such as, your own experiences and the experiences of others, as well as generic themes throughout time.

All in all, inspiration is all around us in more ways than one. Love just happens to be that inspiration (good or bad) that most of us has experienced.

Take your que from Love and write a story that all of us can't wait to read.

Happy Writing!

Cherries And Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*

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