Wednesday, March 2, 2011


(Diva's House Of Literary Coffee Blog)Take a moment and think of a story that has already been created and documented in a book.  Think very hard of what that story entails.  Now take that same idea and add word construction and with a flex of a vivid imagination you have a completely different story. 

Many stories have been born using this very intense literary technique.  It's the process and a take on an oldie but goodie.  As we immerse ourselves in what we are writing and how we are developing the idea; we come to realize that our thoughts take us on a whole new journey.  Creating a better take on a story idea that has been born is intense but a challenge.  It's something that most do on a daily basis, and succeed. 

The tried and true methods of the art of writing and creating a story whether refurshing a literary idea that has been produced or a whole new story idea; are methods that has been done throughout time.  In today's society most are spicing it up with a dash of this and a pinch of that.  The mere fact of this art is that it works.  It works to the point, that when someone has already written and produced a story that we have read, we understand that story.  Take the same story idea and keeping in mind the baseline of the story, then add something totally different-it sounds like a hot new literary story hot off the press.

We are talking about refurbishing a literary idea with a whole new strategy but keeping in mind the integrity of the story.  Even though you may do this technique it can be accomplished with vivid and vivacious thoughts that can take that refurbished literary idea to a whole new level.  This is something hollywood has been doing for years. When you look at movies that have been created from old comic book story ideas and books that are written today, you can clearly note that this is a working technique. 

Remember, true writers at heart know how to work a literary idea whether refurbishing an old idea or giving life to something totally new.  It's an art that you have to work at daily.  However, the secret to refurbishing a literary idea that has been born already, is a vivid imagination, and word construction.  Doing those two things can breath new life into a literary idea that has been produced previously and also allow you to create something new and put your literary stamp onto a whole new creation that can set you apart.

At the end of the day doing this isn't going to hurt anyone. It can only give you something to look forward to as you progress in the literary world.  What sets any writer apart from the rest is the ability to be creative and put their stamp on an oldie and also the ability to create something of intensity and a phenomenon that can rock the literary charts.

By: Cherries and Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*

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