Sunday, February 13, 2011


Writing helps us in so many ways to express what we are feeling. When we write, we are letting out all sorts of emotions and feelings that we keep bottled up. Expressing these emotions in the raw are what gives us that feeling of "what a relief."

It's the same in our storytelling. When we are creating stories we are expressing through the characters the raw emotion of what we are feeling.  As you do this, your characters will have a real effect to them in your story.  Characters make the story, so giving them that raw emotion is important and also important to your readers as your readers do connect with your characters.

This is the reason why writers have to keep on writing daily to improve their writing skill and how they tell a story. Often times expressing raw emotion can give you the writer that extra added boost to keep your storytelling interesting, juicy, and to your readers that; down right "I don't want to put this book down!" 

Today create a journal and write daily to improve upon how you express your raw emotion in your story telling.

By: Cherries and Strawberries
*Literary Spice That's Oh So Nice*

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